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- Article: Imagine 2.9 review
- Words: 1800
- Pictures: 7 (4 iffs and 3 jpegs)
- So what's new? Imagine 3.0 out yet? Nahh... don't be silly,
- it's coming in a special bundle with the A1200 CD-ROM drive.
- Will John Kennedy be rendered speechless?
- Imagine 2.9
- Imagine 3.0 has to be the most sought after piece of
- 'serious' software on the Amiga. Imagine 2.0 was (and is)
- great, but users have been constantly tempted with promises
- of new features in regular newsletters. Whispers on the
- electronic nets bounce across the globe - "it's shipping
- next month" .."it's skipping next week" .. "it's shipping
- tomorrow" .. "the ship's sunk". To make it all worse, the
- new version 2 of Real 3D and the growing availability of
- LightWave has caused beautifully animated ripples of panic
- amongst even the most dedicated Imagineers.
- First things first - this isn't Imagine 3.0. This is a
- 'work in progress' which contains all the parts of 3.0 that
- are working. Impulse must have gotten fed up with the
- number of whining 'when 3? when 3?' enquiries and decided
- to throw something to the baying crowds. The big question of
- course, is will they be satisfied?
- Ok, so the loading screen is different, but what else is
- new? At first glance everything is the same. The same quad
- view (top, side, front and isometric), the same editors -
- what has changed exactly to merit the .9 addition?
- You have to look closely at Imagine 2.9 to spot the
- differences, but they are pretty major and most are
- conveniently placed a small menu called 'new stuff' just so
- you know where to find them.
- Probably the most important is the extension of the
- isometric view window - the display that shows your object
- in a 3D wireframe representation. It really has been
- improved beyond comparison, with real time manipulation and
- Zoom, Angle and Perspective buttons to allow precise
- movements. Even better, when the camera is moved around
- objects are replaced by real-time moving bounding boxes, so
- no more guessing at complicated viewpoints.
- As well as the usual wireframe, solid and shaded view a 'new
- mode' allows the object to be manipulated in the virtual 3D
- world, so at last all the move and rotate tools can be
- applied in any window.
- Imagine has always split tasks across different editing
- screens. Objects are built in the Form and Detail editors,
- arranged in the Stage editor and then animated in the Action
- editor.
- Now there is a new screen to know and love - the Spline
- editor. In the same way the Forms screen is used to make
- symmetrical objects for tinkering with in the Detail editor,
- the Spline editor can be used to make curvey shapes. At
- long last there is even a PostScript font option with dozens
- of bevel options: a feature which logo animators have been
- screaming for. Unfortunately none of the hundreds of fonts
- I tried worked, and the best I got was a few obscure error
- messages. Humph, work in progress I suppose.
- There are a few other features which don't quite work:
- quick render now causes a hang and the AGA support isn't the
- most comprehensive you'll see. You can count on these bugs
- being fixed really soon, but Impulse have had plenty of time
- to work on them. Perhaps they have been working on other
- features, such as the weird and wonderful particles.
- Imagine is a funny program. You think you've seen it all
- when up pops a feature that you know will result in you
- spending the next month of your life experimenting.
- Particles and the particle effects is such a features.
- Have you seen Deep Space 9? Seen the bit at the start where
- a large white glittery rock thing flies past, spewing dust
- everywhere? Imagine 2.9 can do that.
- Want to animate water coming from a hose pipe? Down a
- waterfall? How about smoke from a candle? Rain? Wind
- blown snow? (ugh, don't talk to me about snow).
- This is what Imagine particles are all about. They are
- nothing like the real-world Physics of Real 3D - no bowling
- balls scattering pins - but they are still very clever, and
- it's going to be sometime before the real power behind these
- menu and requestors is turned into animations, but you can
- bet it will look good.
- Also in the 'new things' is a deformation menu, which can be
- used to add a new twist to your objects. Highlight your
- object in the usual way, and then decide how to twist,
- shear, taper, pinch, bend or stretch it. The degree of
- mangling can be controlled by entering numbers, or by
- selecting one of the new buttons at the bottom of the Detail
- Editor and wiggling the mouse. Thankfully the Undo feature
- still works a treat.
- Object 'states' are closely related to warping objects.
- When creating animations it's extremely useful to be able to
- define keyframes, and then get the software to tween or
- morph the object between them. For example, an image of a
- head talking might require one frame with the mouth fully
- closed, and another with the mouth fully open. The
- intervening frames can all be calculated by the computer.
- Doing this with Imagine was always possible, but the real
- problems start when brush and texture maps are used. If you
- map a digitised picture of a face onto the head object and
- alter the shape of the object, the texture seems to remain
- static as the object squirms underneath in a most repulsive
- manner. Now with the addition of states, the textures can
- be tacked into place so when an object gets bigger, the
- texture stretches to cover it. Clever stuff, and it allows
- for all sorts of weird and wonderful morphing projects.
- It's a pity that some of the old irritations are still
- present in Imagine 2.9. Any backdrop image still has to be
- the same size as the rendered image, which makes rendering
- previews and full-screens tedious. Come on, how much work
- does it take to scale an image? And please, please add a
- file requestor - it can take ages typing in a long path only
- to find you've made a mistake when the rendering process
- starts. This isn't what Workbench 3.0 was made for.
- On the other hand some real improvements have been made with
- palette handling, although Impulse still haven't got the
- hang of directly creating animations. It's plain to see
- that Impulse still have a lot to do before Imagine can
- approach the flexibility of Real 3Dv2.
- Imagine 2.9 is good, but far from the finished 3.0. It's
- not completely fair to say it's only worth the hassle of
- upgrading if you are sure you have pushed 2.0 as far as you
- can already as the new view modes and object deformations
- will actually make the program easier to use.
- However, the biggest single improvement Impulse can make in
- version 3.0 is a good manual, preferably one that covers all
- the features in the program in detail. Until that happens,
- many Imagine owners will only be scraping the surface of
- possibilities.
- Pic: Imagine2.iff (if possible will lines leading from menu
- options to following paragraphs. If not, forget it - this
- box is optional)
- Controls grouping of objects and their current
- Imagine state.
- Also known as 'six different ways to destroy a
- perfectly good object'. In reality, the changes can be as
- drastic or subtle as you wish.
- Moved from a previous menu. Warps objects so they
- bend around spheres or cylinders.
- Add particles to an object to permit various sorts
- of animation and special effects.
- Use a brush map to deform an object, depending on
- grey-scale colour. Similar to a bump map, but the positions
- of triangular facets are actually modified.
- Instantly deform an object with ripple or wave
- effects.
- Control the 'state' of an object, and lock it with
- its various brush and texture maps.
- Perform an internal check on any objects loaded in.
- Some previously defined objects may not work perfectly with
- Imagine 2.9
- Split an object into its component triangles, adding
- an edge to each. The easiest way to get scaffolding effects.
- What's new:
- Here's a quick at-a-glance list of some of the new features
- present in Imagine 2.9.
- *Real time 3d editor view
- *Spline editor
- *Fifty new textures
- *Particles
- *AGA rendering modes
- *Deformations
- *States
- *Particle effects
- What's not new:
- And here are some the of the features which have been
- promised at various times for Imagine 3.0, but failed to
- make it into this 2.9 version. A new 3.0 manual is currently
- being written, and is supposed to be considerably better
- than the 2.0 manual. This wouldn't be difficult.
- *Bones
- *Kinematics
- *Improved anti-aliasing
- *New light sources with improved shadows
- *Shadow mapping
- *Depth of field effects
- *Sound
- Flannel Panel
- Note: I'm sorry, I can't get a price for this. It was sent
- to me from Mat who got it from the states. Amiga Format
- sell it themselves (actually they advertise 2.9 and sell
- 3.0) but I'd rather not quote them. The price depends on
- what you are upgrading from, and so its really 'Price On
- Application'. The original 2.0 is sold by Hobbyte for a
- laughable £146 (it was on Amiga Format's cover).
- Impulse Inc.
- 8416 Xerxes Avenue North
- Minneapolis,
- Minnesota
- 55444
- Tel: 0101 612 425 0557
- Fax: 0101 612 425 0701
- Works with: All Amigas.
- Lots of memory, hard drive and fast
- processor with floating point unit recommended.
- Ease of Use: 70%
- Thanks to crippling documentation, Imagine has never been
- easy to use. The few pages supplied with 2.9 will point out
- new features to Imagine experts and baffle new-comers.
- Effectiveness:85%
- Getting there. The new editor view is great, but rather than
- include the features everyone wanted, Impulse have added
- what they think everyone will want.
- Flexibility: 86%
- Creating objects is getting easier, although more advanced
- brush and shadow mapping is needed.
- Innovation: 89%
- Some pretty exciting features are starting to make Imagine
- look like a serious contender for the rendering crown it
- once held.
- Overall:82%
- It's not Imagine 3.0, but at least it's available. Dedicated
- Imagine fans will snap it up, the rest should wait for 3.0
- and a good manual.
- captions
- --------
- imagine1.iff
- Version 3.0 has been promised 'real soon now' for so long,
- it's good to see something other than hot air from Impulse.
- imagine3.iff
- A useful addition is the ability to see where virtual camera
- is actually pointing. The perspective view in the top-right
- will update in real time which you move the camera around.
- imagine4.iff
- Here's one of those features you just know you're going to
- love. Particle effects provide scope for some of the
- weirdest things yet to be animated.
- imagine5.jpg
- Ok, I admit it - I'm a sick man. But I couldn't resist the
- new deformations and I only used 2 of the 50 new textures...
- imagine6.jpg
- The Gas Giant texture is calling to me.. "Render a Voyager
- flypast" it is saying. "No" I reply, sort of.
- imagine7.jpg
- I couldn't get the PostScript font to work, so I had to use
- a Deluxe Paint image, extrude it, bevel it and give it a
- little deformation. The texture is interesting but bright.